Top 6 recruitment tools in 2024

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Looking for the best recruitment tools for 2024? Whether you’re looking to optimize your recruitment process or attract top talent, you’ve come to the right place. We reveal the top 10 recruitment software tools, designed to simplify application management, effectively evaluate candidates, and enhance the applicant experience.

These recruitment tools, from job posting to identification and assessment, are essential for saving time, improving recruitment quality, reinforcing your employer brand, and building candidate loyalty. Also, to increase the speed of your hiring, it’s essential to equip your recruiters with several Linkedin accounts, so that they are not limited in their contact with candidates.

Thanks to technological advances and new market trends, 2024 sees the emergence of innovative tools, integrating artificial intelligence, virtual reality and much more, revolutionizing recruitment. Find out more about these devices, their characteristics, advantages and disadvantages, and tips for choosing the right ones for your specific needs.

Ready to transform your recruitment in 2024? Follow the guide!

Evolving recruitment tools: What’s new in 2024?

Recruitment systems are constantly evolving, in line with the expectations of both recruiters and candidates. In 2024, but also in 2025, we observe three main trends: the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning, the rise of chatbots and the significant development of mobile recruitment.

Let’s explore how these advances will revolutionize the world of recruitment, highlighting their benefits and limitations.

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

AI and machine learning are revolutionizing recruitment by automating complex processes.
These technologies offer notable advantages, including:

  • Automated sourcing: Algorithms can be used to automatically identify candidates online, expanding the talent pool and reducing selection bias.
  • Skills assessment: Online tests, serious games and simulations enable us to accurately assess candidates’ skills, ensuring a better match with the job.
  • Predictive Matching: Statistical models predict candidate performance and satisfaction, optimizing recruitment and reducing turnover.

However, the use of AI and machine learning needs to be supervised to guarantee reliability, data transparency and complementarity with the human approach.

The rise of Chatbots

Thanks to their automatic dialogue capabilities, chatbots offer a new dimension to recruitment interactions:

  • Dissemination of job offers: They enable job offers to be widely distributed via various digital channels, thus extending their reach.
  • Candidate qualification: They collect essential information on candidates, facilitating their classification and orientation in the recruitment process.
  • Enhanced experience: By communicating effectively with candidates, chatbots strengthen engagement and loyalty to the employer brand.

However, chatbots cannot replace the importance of human contact, which is crucial to establishing a relationship of trust.
So it’s important to keep chatbots or video questionnaires, as with Videoask, only for the 1st phase of the exchange, after which your recruiters take over the process.

The growing importance of mobile recruitment

Mobile recruitment is booming, and is adapting to current usage by offering candidates the opportunity to apply via smartphones and tablets:

  • More applicants: Capitalizing on the growing use of cell phones, this trend is attracting more applicants, particularly among young people.
  • Simplified application process: Application processes are optimized for cell phones, improving conversion rates and candidate satisfaction.
  • Innovation in recruitment methods: Mobile recruitment makes it possible to introduce innovative approaches, such as augmented reality or videos, thus differentiating the employer.

Mobile recruitment meets candidates’ expectations of simplicity, speed and modernity, but requires adapted, ergonomic and secure supports. However, when the process is too simple, it often fails to retain only the truly motivated candidates. For my part, I purposely make the process a little more complex in order to detect whether the candidate is really motivated. For example, one of my tricks is to reply only to the candidate who calls me back 1 time.

The Top 6 tools every recruiter should have :

  1. Linkedin Recruiter OR SalesNavigator: to create candidate databases.
  2. Assessfirst: to qualify your candidates before the first exchanges.
  3. Videoask: a tool for asynchronous video interviews.
  4. Airtable as ATS: a simple, customizable site for reporting and building up a candidate pool.
  5. MirrorProfiles to rent multiple accounts to contact hundreds of candidates quickly.
    1 profile like yours is limited to 100 connection requests per week.
  6. The Growth Machine: an automation tool.
    Coupled with MirrorProfiles accounts, this tool will enable you to create a machine to generate interested candidates for your job offers.
  7. MirrorChat to manage messaging for all your accounts.

Now let’s go into more detail on each of the themes addressed by the above-mentioned devices.

The essentials of automated recruitment

Automated recruitment is based on the use of tools to optimize and accelerate recruitment.
This approach aims to reduce manual and repetitive tasks, improve productivity and efficiency, while enhancing the quality of hires.
Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) and video interviewing platforms stand out as the most popular and effective in this field.

Let’s explore how they work, and their advantages and disadvantages.

Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS)

ATS systems facilitate centralized, automated response management.
They integrate various functionalities, including :

  • Publication of job offers on several platforms, improving their visibility and reaching a wider audience.
  • Receive, store and sort job applications according to predefined criteria, enabling efficient selection of the best profiles.
  • Track applications through the various stages of recruitment and analyze performance to optimize the process.

These systems offer optimal application management, but they can also present challenges such as compatibility issues, protection of personal data, and the need for user training. As a good ATS, you have Airtable, which is the cheapest and most customizable. We can help you set it up.

Video maintenance platforms

These platforms facilitate remote exchanges via video, offering two formats:

  • Live video interviews, simulating a face-to-face exchange, enable dynamic exchanges between recruiter and candidate.
  • The deferred video interview, where candidates answer the recruiter’s questions at their own pace, enabling flexible viewing.

They offer the possibility of overcoming geographical and time constraints while enhancing the candidate experience. In terms of tools, Videoask remains the leading player in this field. Nevertheless, they do have limitations, such as dependence on the quality of the Internet connection, the challenges of establishing a human link at a distance, and the need to respect ethics and confidentiality.

Revolutionary sourcing tools

This essential (and key) stage of recruitment involves the search for and identification of ideal candidates for a position. There are a number of ways to facilitate this process, but some stand out for their innovation.

Below, we explore two categories of tools that will transform your approach to recruitment: professional networking platforms and identification devices using artificial intelligence (AI).
Let’s find out how they work, as well as their advantages and disadvantages.

Professional networking platforms: Linkedin

Professional networking platforms, whether websites or apps, enable you to make and maintain professional contacts with individuals with similar interests, skills or goals. The reseau is the perfect example, with its network system and, above all, its Recruiter Lite. The professional network plays a crucial role in sourcing by offering :

  • Distributing job offers: posting job offers on these platforms, which are frequented by millions of users, increases the visibility of positions, attracts a targeted, qualified audience, and encourages unsolicited applications or recommendations.
  • Searching for candidates: Filtering and searching for candidates on these sites facilitates the discovery of suitable profiles, access to their professional information, and direct contact or networking.
  • Network animation: Interacting with potential candidates via shared content, comments, likes or messages helps to establish a connection, build loyalty and strengthen the appeal of the employer brand.

Professional networking platforms offer a proactive, efficient and personalized method of recruitment. With Linkedin, you get accurate candidate databases with their URLs, which is the fuel for all contact automation. Limited to 100 request connections per week, an average recruiter uses between 3 and 4 Mirrorprofiles accounts to contact enough candidates to fill his or her schedule with qualified interviews.

AI-based sourcing tools

AI-based devices, thanks to technologies such as machine learning, natural language processing and image recognition, automate and optimize identification.

Their advantages include :

  • Automated sourcing: Algorithms search and identify candidates on the web according to the recruiter’s criteria, saving time, expanding the pool of candidates and minimizing selection bias.
  • Aptitude analysis: Online tests, serious games and simulations measure candidates’ aptitudes, verify their suitability for the position, objectify recruitment decisions and reinforce candidates’ commitment.
  • Predictive matching: statistical models predict candidate performance, satisfaction and loyalty, optimizing candidate selection, reducing turnover and improving recruitment quality.

AI-based devices are revolutionizing recruitment by making it smarter, faster and higher quality. However, it is crucial to ensure the reliability, transparency and ethics of data and algorithms, as well as complementarity between human and machine.

Job boards and their evolution

Job boards have played a crucial role in bringing companies and candidates together since they first appeared in the 1990s. Their evolution has followed that of the Internet, enabling them to enjoy remarkable growth. These platforms make it easier for candidates to find jobs, and help companies to recruit talent. Today, we explore how they are adapting to changes in the job market and the needs of recruiters and candidates, as well as the diversity of specialized job boards.

Spoiler alert: today, they’re far less effective than they used to be. Hunting and prospecting have long since overtaken them in terms of relevance and effectiveness.

Relevance to modern recruitment

Job boards can complement prospecting:

  • Wide distribution of proposals, increasing the chances of finding the ideal person and diversifying profiles.
  • Ease of use for both employers and candidates, making it easy to publish and consult job offers.

However, these platforms face a number of challenges, such as :

  • Increased competition, requiring differentiation and adaptation to the specific needs of recruiters and candidates.
  • Innovation, to meet the expectations of increasingly connected and demanding users, through advanced functions and new technologies.
  • Their cost compares with automation tools coupled with Mirrorprofiles accounts.

Specialized job boards

Specialized job boards, focusing on specific sectors, functions, locations or types of contract, meet targeted needs and offer :

  • A better match between proposals and expectations, improving the quality of hiring.
  • Increased visibility for recruiters and candidates in specific fields.
  • Enhance the attractiveness of the sector concerned, by highlighting opportunities and trends.

However, these platforms may encounter limitations, such as :

  • Less traffic, due to their specialization.
  • A potentially reduced diversity of profiles, which could limit the prospects of both recruiters and candidates.

There is a wide variety of specialized job boards, such as :

  • By sector: RemixJobs for IT, Staffsanté for healthcare, L’Hôtellerie Restauration for tourism, etc.
  • By function: Jobmarketingvente for marketing, Dogfinance for finance, RHinfo for human resources, etc.
  • By location: ParisJob, RegionsJob, Monster International for geolocalized offers.
  • By type of contract: Cadremploi for permanent employment, Qapa for temporary work, Adecco and Malt for freelance work, etc.

Candidate assessment tools

Candidate assessment tools are essential for measuring skills, knowledge, aptitudes and personalities, helping recruiters determine whether an applicant is a good fit for the position on offer. Recruiting is like playing the lottery, so stack the odds in your favor by combining the advice of your recruiters with that of a test like Assessfirst.

They play a crucial role in predicting an applicant’s performance and successful integration into the company. Among the variety of devices available, we will focus on two main categories: psychometric tests and aptitude assessments, and simulations and serious games.

Let’s take a closer look at these devices and their advantages and disadvantages.

Psychometric tests and skills assessments

These tools assess candidates’ cognitive abilities, technical knowledge, behavioral aptitudes and personality traits, through questionnaires, online tests and role-playing exercises.

Their use offers several advantages:

  • Objectivity: Based on scientific, standardized criteria, these tools minimize bias and enable a fair comparison between candidates.
  • Efficiency: They optimize recruitment time and costs by eliminating irrelevant exchanges and improving the quality of hires.
  • Commitment: This expertise enhances the candidate experience, making the company even more attractive.

However, they also have their limitations:

  • Reliability: Certain external factors, such as stress, can influence results, requiring careful use in conjunction with other expert methods.
  • Validity: It is essential that these devices are scientifically validated and regularly updated to remain relevant.

Examples of tools :

  • Tests of reasoning (logical, numerical, verbal, spatial), personality (DISC, Big Five, MBTI) and specific skills (IT, time management, communication).

Simulations and serious games

These devices immerse candidates in virtual environments simulating real-life work situations.
Their advantages include:

  • Immersion: Offers a unique and engaging recruitment experience, giving a realistic insight into the job.
  • Observation: Allows you to objectively assess candidates’ reactions and behavior.
  • Adaptation: The level of difficulty and the scenario can be customized according to the candidate’s profile.

However, they do have their drawbacks:

  • Cost: The development and maintenance of these devices can be costly.
  • Acceptance: Some candidates may be reluctant or not understand the benefits of these methods.

Examples of tools :

  • Role-playing games, adventure games and simulation games (SimulTrain, SimforHealth, SimTeam).

Communication and collaboration tools

Recruitment teams use communication and collaboration tools to exchange documents and feedback, improving the coordination, transparency and efficiency of the recruitment process.
These devices fall into several categories, the main ones being project management platforms and instant communication devices.
Let’s explore their characteristics, as well as their advantages and disadvantages.

Project management platforms for recruitment teams

These platforms enable you to plan, organize, track and manage recruitment projects, offering functionalities such as :

  • Creation and distribution of job offers through various channels.
  • Collect and sort applications according to predefined criteria.
  • Analysis and follow-up of candidates through the various stages of recruitment.
  • Communication and collaboration with candidates and stakeholders.

The advantages of these platforms include:

  • Better organization thanks to centralized information.
  • Greater efficiency through automation and simplification of certain tasks.
  • Improved quality of recruitment.

However, they can have certain disadvantages:

  • Costs vary according to functionality and volume of use.
  • A need for compatibility with other devices used by the company.
  • A need for user training.

Examples of platforms:

  • Asana: for creating and tracking recruitment projects.
  • Workable: for managing job offers and applications.
  • BambooHR: for employee lifecycle management.

Instant communication tools

These applications enable real-time exchanges, improving internal and external communication.
Benefits include:

  • Rapid transmission of information.
  • Easy to use and accessible from anywhere.
  • More human communication thanks to features like emoticons.

However, they can also have disadvantages:

  • Dependence on an Internet connection and specific equipment.
  • Information overload can lead to distraction.
  • Security and confidentiality issues.

Examples of tools :

  • 3CX: complete communication solution with a free version for up to 10 users.
  • Slack: collaborative platform with numerous applications.
  • WhatsApp: instant messaging application for a variety of exchanges.

In conclusion, we have presented you with the best devices to make your team of recruiters very, very effective. It’s important to master at least our TOP 6 tools for your recruiters. Thanks to these tools, you’ll start to get them used to growth hiring.

These devices are designed to improve your recruitment process and enable you to attract the best talent. We explore how the integration of cutting-edge technologies such as artificial intelligence, virtual reality and gamification is transforming the recruitment industry. If you’d like to find out more about optimizing recruitment, and in particular the candidate pool, I’ll let you discover what Growth Hiring is all about.